Tips to boost your e-commerce business through Instagram
Tips to boost your e-commerce business through Instagram

Tips to boost your e-commerce business through Instagram

Tips to boost your e-commerce business through Instagram


Ecommerce is not just about websites. You will not be making full use of the internet if you limit yourself to just woocommerce custom price, wordpress coupon plugin without considering social media. Research has proven that only search engines are the only websites capable of challenging social media in terms of traffic. Even at that, social media still has the edge of interaction. While people see search engines as a means of getting results, the case is not the same with social media. Unlike search engines, social media users engage and interact with each other. This is an opportunity you can take advantage of to the benefit of your business. Besides that, social media also allows you to run your own ecommerce store with no cost at all. One of such social media platform that gives you this is Instagram.

Instagram is probably one of the best platforms to promote your ecommerce business and woocommerce mix and match product. Instagram has a number of fantastic features that can help you promote your business. It allows you post multiple pictures with a brief description. This can be of help to you if you sell or produce goods. It also allows you post videos that can also help you display the services you offer. These and more features are available to use at your discretion. This article will help you make the most of Instagram by giving you tips to boost your ecommerce business through Instagram.

Make your posts descriptive and interactive

The best way to get people involved is to develop user generated and interactive content. This is because not every purchase starts as a business conversation. Therefore, you should not always expect it to be so. If you visit a shopping mall, you will discover that there are other side attractions. The reason is simple; the main aim is to get your attention. During the process of visiting those side attractions, there are chances of you buying something. It does not matter if it is because of impulses or you just remembering that you need it. The same thing comes to play here. If your content is interesting and interactive enough to attract individuals, it increases the chances of them buying from you. This is the reason why influencers are always posting interacting content.

Work with suitable trends

Trends are very important and they always change the direction of conversations on social media including Instagram. They may be in form of hashtags or regular words. Whatever the case, do not always be in a hurry to jump on every trend. You should start by asking yourself if the trend correlates with what you are offering. If it does not, it will be best for you to sit it out. For example, you as a car dealer can jump on a weather or climate trend. All you need to do is post about how a particular weather affects cars and how to protect your car. You can also trend safety as long as you relate it to cars.

Timing and targeting is key

While a post containing pictures may suit one ecommerce business, it may be disastrous to another. For some ecommerce businesses, the most suitable platform is the use of stories. To make the most of Instagram for your ecommerce business, you should start by identifying your target audience. You should be definitive and even ruthless about your interaction. You should follow the right people and interact with them. You should also study their behavior patterns to know when most of them will be online. This way, you will be able to post at the right time. You should also make use of data processing and analyzing features of Instagram. Paid adverts can also boost your ecommerce if you know how to use it very well. These features will help you identify the efforts yielding efforts and those that are futile.

Consistently and regularly, update your content

First, permit me to inform that this journey will definitely not be an easy one. The problem sets in when you do not start to see immediate results. Whatever the case, you should not tamper with the consistency at which you regularly update your content. To help you out, set a period which you will regularly your posts. This way, your followers will know when to update something new.

Design a website with a good landing page and link it to your Instagram account

Do not be among those that just stop at Instagram. While ecommerce is not just about websites and blogs, it is also more than just Instagram. You should fuse as many as possible to get the desired effect. You should include your website in your “bio” and include links to your website on every post. This means that you also have a similar content on the landing page in your website.